VLN 2.. It was supposed to be all wet.. all the time.. but it wasn't. Until Frank Stippler had the urge to demonstrate what the Audi R8 LMS can do .. he managed to pull off a 8:0x at the end and came over the Start/Finish Line a couple of seconds before 16:00.. which meant that he and everybody else still had to do another lap .... Mrs. Holle ( the german weather legend) decided to open the Sky wide open at that point and the last Lap on the Livestream was filled with images of Cars slipping and sliding on the GP Track.. the onboards of our GT Cars showed impacts of cars in Kesselchen, Hohe8, Eschbach, Brünnchen, Eiskurve...etc.
At this point I just radioed to Tim and Carsten that they have their position solid and that they should please please just bring the Porsches home safe. Which they did.. to a 1st place, 15th !!! overall in the SP7 and a 2nd Place ( 20th overall) in the H4. The whole Race was a nerv-wrecking Dance between good news/ bad news from the Sister cars, maybe rain, maybe no Rain decisions. Hence the 4 hours felt like 2 in the end.
I am thrilled for Manuel/Adam/Bernd and Maro that they managed to get on the Podium again, I am super Proud of Tim and Alex that they are so competitive in the big GT3/SP9 pack.. we are still in the pre-24hour phase... so there are a lot of big bangers.. and we play among them ! The Team did an outstanding job again. Now in 2 Week we still have VLN3 and then it is off for the big one !
24hours is THIS month !